Register a new account and get 88k immediately in qq88 is attracting a large number of players to love and participate. Because this is the most attractive promotion that members cannot miss. In the article below, we will introduce details about this famous offer so that everyone can understand better.
Introducing the event of registering a new account to receive 88k immediately at QQ88
According to research, this program receives a lot of attention from the member community when registering a new account. The promotion code is VIP88K and the period starts from May 25, 2024 until QQ88 announces its decision to end. Besides, players should note that 1 point will be converted to 1,000 VND.
Register a new account and receive 88k immediately and introductory information
In particular, as long as you register a new account at the house, you will immediately receive a bonus of 88k. At the same time, after successful registration, you will fill in all relevant information. Such as phone number or bank account number, the system automatically pays rewards straight to the member’s account after about 3-5 minutes.
Conditions when receiving the bonus: Sign up for a new account and get 88k immediately
QQ88 is the leading online betting system in Vietnam. Therefore, the activities taking place here ensure fairness, civility and standards. Therefore, to be able to receive rewards from the 88k super promotion, you need to fully meet the following conditions:
- Players must be 18 years old or older to register for a betting account and receive a bonus of 88k from the house.
- From successful account creation, reward confirmation is valid for 72 hours. Please fill in the required information correctly before proceeding to receive your reward Register a new account and get 88k immediately.
- The program only applies to products such as fish shooting and jar explosion.
- You must go through 5 rounds of betting before you can withdraw money to your account. At the same time, customers can only withdraw once and the valid withdrawal amount is from 100-300 points. In particular, any acts of fraud or taking advantage of incentives will not be considered for withdrawal orders by the system.
- Players cannot participate in conjunction with other promotions from the house.
- After receiving the bonus, members must complete the bet within 24 hours. In case there is no betting according to regulations, the QQ88 system will automatically withdraw the bonus.
Benefits of receiving the 88k promotional bonus
To help members have more motivation to experience, the house has launched an instant gift of 88k for newly registered players. When participating, you will comfortably enjoy the following benefits:
Save costs
Register a new account and get 88k immediately will help members save on entertainment costs. That means players can freely experience the betting sections at the house without having to spend a lot of initial investment. In particular, if the bet wins, you will receive an attractive bonus.
Besides, if members encounter losing results, they will not lose too much capital. This reduces the loss for everyone when receiving the 88k promotional bonus.
Increase experience
Not only that, thanks to this promotional event for new registered accounts, members can explore many different games. This is an opportunity to help customers increase their personal experience and gain more motivation to bet.
Note that when registering for a new account, you will receive 88k immediately
In order for the process of receiving promotional rewards to go smoothly and successfully, you need to clearly understand the important notes below:
New players clearly understand the notes to receive the 88k bonus
- For all players, after setting up an account, the relevant information will not be changed before the first withdrawal operation. In case the member determines to change the data, then according to QQ88 regulations, the reward will be deducted.
- You should not create multiple accounts to abuse the promotion, each member corresponds to only one reward.
- Please read the promotion terms and conditions carefully Register a new account and get 88k immediately to avoid making unnecessary mistakes.
- Any customer who uses malware or changes IP to register an account will be added to the blacklist by the system. This means that the bookmaker system refuses all violating members from participating in the promotion.
- Regularly update the latest promotional information from the gaming floor so you don’t miss any opportunities to receive rewards.
Just now is a summary of information about the event Register a new account and get 88k immediately in qq88pro that we have compiled. Through that, you can better understand and understand the conditions, promotion content as well as notes when receiving the 88k bonus.