The Ideal Guide to Maximizing the Potential of Cooking

Once about a time, any suggestion of cooking with cannabis and its derivatives would have resulted in an arrest or some very red eyes. How times have changed. Now, the term ‘CBD’ has gone mainstream, with the CBD oil market in the world growing hugely over the last couple of years. 

Indeed, 33% of Americans have used CBD oil to self-medicate on a daily basis, for reasons ranging from the product’s reported anti-inflammatory properties to its potential for stress and pain relief. That said, there are many who find the idea of applying droplets to the tongue distasteful and taking CBD capsules a little too clinical.

Instead, if you like to spend time in the kitchen trying out new recipes, are passionate about health and wellness and are considering adding CBD to your meals (a lot of caveats, we know), then you’ve come to the right place, because mealtimes can be a great vehicle for CBD oil and its potentially positive properties. With that in mind, here is the IDEAL guide to maximizing the potential of cooking with CBD oil.

Reaping The Benefits

Firstly, let’s consider those potential benefits. Though research is still in its early stages and nothing is conclusive, regular use of CBD oil is said to bring several benefits. Firstly, because of its potential anti-inflammatory effects, it has been suggested that migraine attacks can be alleviated through the use of CBD. 

The product is also thought to have some stress-relieving properties, and studies on how CBD affects our brain’s chemical receptors respond to already present serotonin, the essential neurotransmitter that controls your mood, happiness, and social behavior, are ongoing. Finally, because of those anti-inflammatory properties, it’s thought that CBD oil can regulate oil production in the body, helping to reduce acne in users.

Should you be wishing to avail yourself of these potential benefits by cooking with the stuff, then do ensure that the CBD oil you’re using is ‘full-spectrum’. This means the CBD oil contains all the hemp plants beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes. CBD oil that you choose should also have been grown and manufactured organically, reducing your exposure to harmful chemicals entering your system. 

To ensure the quality of the product you’re buying, you can search online for accompanying lab reports, of which any reputable company should provide. But beyond the compound’s profile, you also need to check whether the manufacturer tested the product for contaminants. For example, does it contain heavy metals, microbial compounds, and solvents?

A trustworthy, responsible brand tends to be more transparent and posts these lab reports on their site. If you think you have concerns or additional questions about the reports, make sure to contact the manufacturer first before buying.

CBD Oil for Cooking 

CBD oil can sometimes taste a little bitter. Usually, this is due to adulterations and chemicals used in the manufacturing process. Unless you want an apparent, potentially ill-judged taste in your cooking, do ensure you’re using the organic stuff, as we mentioned.

Once you have picked out the right CBD oil, do endeavor to use it properly. Be aware that if you overheat CBD oil, it will lose a lot of its potency. If this happens, you’ll negate the purpose of putting CBD in your food in the first place. 

What’s more, you shouldn’t use CBD oil for frying because of the high temperature that frying requires, and do not place it in the microwave where high levels of heat and microwaves will be present. This is because CBD oil should be kept below 175°C for optimal results. If you are baking, pay close attention to the temperature of your oven if you have added CBD oil.

CBD Oil & Fat

CBD bonds very well with fat, so utilize it in a recipe that contains a good amount of fats and other oils, since it will allow your body to absorb the CBD properly. Do not add more than is recommended in a single dose until you see the effects that the CBD will have on you. It’s advisable, then, to gradually increase the amount as you see how your body feels and how your food tastes, tinkering until you’ve found the perfect balance. 

The Bottom Line

There are many different ways to incorporate CBD into your daily lifestyle, and cooking is just one way to get your daily dose. If you love to cook and spend time in the kitchen, grab a bottle of CBD oil and experiment with it!


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